Who is this woman putting together a website focused on women, wine, and dogs? I’m a sister, artist, writer, photographer, soap maker, friend, and sometimes lover (😊.) I spent too much time in offices, doing work that neither satisfied my creative right brain nor my wallet. At this point in my life, I want more. Creating art feeds my soul. And keeps me sane. But I still need an income, so I searched for something to do it all. Designing mugs and laptop covers may not sound exciting, but I’m having fun with it. I am not an artist who thinks my art is too precious for a mouse pad. Art is to be shared and if you want my Dogwoods
on your flip-flops, so be it! And I want time; time to play with yarn, and resin, and soap, and wood, and concrete and, and, and! It is hard to have real flexibility when you work for someone else, be it a large corporation or a corner store. I’m searching. This website is one of a couple of ventures into self-employment. I am a proofreader and participant in a small shop in The Bear’s Den in Columbus, NC. I share the space with my sister Autumn, and our friend Becky. You will see some of their work in the Original Art section of the site. I welcome you on this journey. Explore with me! Sharron